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Clearwater Picket - August 19, 2000


Hans Bschorr/Mary DeMoss

Hans tells Mark Bunker that he read his report about their encounter of the day before. Mary DeMoss denies Mark membership in the Foundation for Religious Tolerance.




"Bub" Leans into my Camera

A Scientologist we've nicknamed "Bub" presses his head into Mark Bunker's camera lens.  



In footage from Jeff Jacobsen's camera, you can see Mark Bunker gesture for the Clearwater Police to come over.  When they did not come over, Mark wentover to them as they stood on the corner. Mark asked if they could please just tell the Scientologists not to touch us or our cameras.

Sgt. Quinlan responded, "I watched the whole thing.  You were blocking his passage on the sidewalk."  As you can see from the video footage, the sidewalk was completely unblocked.

Also, Mark mentions a phrase to Bub which was discovered on the July 26th picket video:


Clip from July 26th Picket

This clip of "Bub" is from the picket of July 26th.  In it Bub shoves Bob Minton...and then gets advice on how to do it properly.  

Another Scientologist makes very clear what Scientology's aim is when they do this "bull-baiting."  They are trying to provoke us into creating an incident.  Listen as Bub is advised to "let them go to you."





Jeff Jacobsen's Crimes

Jeff is being asked a standard Scientologist bull-baiting question by an OT8 when Patricia Greenway and her guests stroll by.




Mark Bunker's Crimes

Dr. Ian Shillington and Bub demand to know Mark's crimes.  Jesse Prince's arrest is a theme for the day.




Bob Peterson's Crimes

Scientologist Joe Neal accuses Bob of making bomb threats.   




Zeenoo's Crimes

A first time visitor to Clearwater is accused by Shillington and Bub of being on the LMT payroll. 




Randy Enerson's Crimes

A local resident fed up with Scientology's bullying ways is accused of the standard crimes. 




Maureen O'Keefe 

Maureen Sec Checks Mark on the subject of drugs. 




Bob Peterson is Charged with Embezzlement

A Scientologist accuses Bob Peterson of crimes and demands answers. 




More Jeff Jacobsen Crimes

Joe Neal accuses Jeff of being a tax dodger.  This comes shortly after the Forbes article




Zeenoo Cheats?

Our out of town visitor is questioned about cheating on his taxes and his wife. 




Mark Bunker's Conversation with Sheryle Festa

Maureen O'Keefe insists that I walk to the corner to be insulted by an OT hairstylist




Shillington on Chicago

Ian Shillington wants to know more about Mark Bunker's arrest in Chicago.  At the beginning of the clip, another Clearwater citizen is accused of being paid to picket. 




Shillington Craves Porn

Ian Shillington demands to see the porn he insists must be on Mark Bunker's computer.  Our old friend Spencer makes an appearance. 




A Fond Farewell

As we were heading back to the Trust, Scientologist Paris Morfopoulos of the One Stoppe Shoppe gave Mark Bunker some parting words. 



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