Bunker Arrested in Chicago
January 25, 2000
Bunker was arrested while trying to conduct
an interview with two Chicago area dentists
who had been defrauded by Scientology.
year later, Mark
stood trial in Chicago and the jury
found him not guilty in 25 minutes.

of video is in italics.
Bunker across the street from the Chicago org
BUNKER: Ahh--January in Chicago! There's no better
time and no better place than this to be arrested--take
it from me! I'm Mark Bunker, and welcome to Xenu
TV. Right behind me is the Church of Scientology
Chicago org. Just two nights ago, this is where
I was arrested.
and Barbara Zizic across the street from the Chicago
org; Hubbard Dianetics Foundation logo--yellow lettering
on blue background
ZIZIC: We had asked Mark to come with us and, uh,
we were gonna ask permission for him to come inside
and get our refund, our money back.
ZIZIC: What happened was, two police, or two men--
ZIZIC: Plainclothes Joes--
ZIZIC: --in black jackets jumped Mark and, uh, wrestled
the camera from him, and we didn't know--
ZIZIC: They didn't announce that they were police,
they didn't read him his Miranda rights.
BUNKER: Yes, this is the place. Two nights ago right
here I was on the sidewalk in front of the Chicago
org when two off-duty police officers raced out,
grabbed me and put me under arrest. Don't believe
me? Watch the tape!
BUNKER: Oh, that's right, we don't have the tape
because the police stole the tape! It's missing!
ZIZIC: Well, these two goons, these two guys in
leather jackets, black--dressed in black, um, jumped
Mark and were trying to get, uh, the camera away
from him, and they were telling him, "Turn
it off, turn it off, turn it off" so they knew
the, the camera was on and the film was, was in
there because it won't run without the film, and,
um, then they were, uh, uh--he was asking them,
"Well, why are you doing this to me? Why are
you doing this to me? Leave me alone!" And,
um, they said, "You can't film, you know, turn
it off, turn it off, that's enough!". So they
grabbed the camera and tried to push it on the ground,
they threw his cell phone on the ground.
ZIZIC: We didn't do anything. We were just standing
outside of the building, he was behind us towards
the street, away from the building. Two men came
out of nowhere and jumped him. So I said, "You're
not police, I wanna see your ID!" and they
flipped me a badge and I said, "Well, let me
look at it really good because I can't see it. Can
you show me the badge?" And there was no face
on it, it was rubbed off. So I said, "You're
a fake police!" I said, "You're acting
like this is Nazi Germany; this is America, you
can't push somebody around who just has a camera!
We didn't do anything!" I said, "What's
your name?" and they said, "It's none
of your business, lady, we're taking him in!"
They handcuffed him and they were gonna take him
to the police--I don't know where. I said, "Where
are you taking him?" and he says, "It's
not your business!" I said, "It is so,
because I'm a citizen and I wanna know; he came
with us. What is he charged with?" So one guy,
he said--he told me his name was Joe Blow, he was,
like, really cool, and, uh, the oth--the other one
said, "We're taking him in for criminal trespassing."
Then all the other police came, and then at that
point we, you know, told them our story. But to
make a long story short, they took Mark in handcuffed,
no reason, never read him his Miranda rights, never
identified who they were when they jumped him--and
they took the film! The film is gone! So isn't that
kind of funny? he film is just gone, it's missing.
It took him a whole day to get his camera--plus
the police were yelling at him, so...
ZIZIC: Pam Vilinsky, who flew in from New York to
talk to me, to try to pressure me into taking a
small settlement for the money they owe me--she
said that they hired these people to protect them.
Now, the week before, we had an incident here and
the police themselves made the appointment for us
to go talk to them about getting our money back.
So we had an appointment scheduled with them and
they knew it, and they had this all planned. Because
they don't want anyone witnessing what they're doing;
they want to keep it hidden. They don't want people
to know their link with dentists, chiropractors,
optometrists, probably veterinarians, how they funnel
them in for their business. I would have never--I'm
Catholic, I would have never come to this church
if I hadn't been funneled in here through Marcus
Group, and that's a fact.
outside the Chicago org
BUNKER (voice of): My arrest was an orchestrated
attempt to frighten the Zizics into silence, and
this, they didn't succeed.
ZIZIC: Well, I just feel as though I've been ripped
off by the Church of Scientology and swindled out
of my money and I intend to get my money back, that's
my intention. And I will get it back. And I will
tell my friends, all my dentist friends, um, about
this Marcus operation and how they're a fear group
for the Church of Scientology, you can be sure of
BUNKER: So if you're ever in Chicago and you have
a moment, take it from me, old number 396, stop
by the org and tell them, "Xenu TV says hello!"
to Officer Bonifazi and Officer Foria"
Lisa McPherson Trust, Copyright 2000"
courtesy of Batchild