Meet Jesse Prince

A former Scientologist and Sea Org member of 16 years, Jesse was a senior executive in the Religious Technology Center, Scientology's top management and trademark organization.

Jesse in his Sea Org Uniform


In 1992, Jesse left the Sea Org and for six years remained silent about his experiences in Scientology under the threat of a lawsuit by the organization.

He now actively assists former and current Scientologists to recover from their experiences in Scientology.

With the intention of either finding or manufacturing "evidence" of criminal activity against Jesse, Scientology operatives have admitted to continuosly surveilling Jesse during the many years since he left the organization.

One of Scientology's failed attempts to destroy Jesse's life (via getting him convicted as a criminal) is detailed in a page about the State of Florida's case against Jesse Prince which was dismissed on May 25, 2001.


nnnnnnnn Affidavit for the Dennis Erlich Case (Adobe Acrobat Format)

nn nnnn n The State of Florida v. Jesse Prince


nnnn MULTIMedia
nnn nnn n The Leo J. Ryan Conference - Feb. 1999

nnnn nn n Jesse Appears on a Danish TV Show - 1999

nnnn nn n "Missing in Happy Valley" - German Show - 1999

nnnn nn n The LMT Opens - Jan. 5, 2000

nnn nn nn Clearwater Picket of Scientology - Jan. 9, 2000

n nn nnnn Clearwater City Commission Meeting - Feb. 3, 2000

nnnn nn n The LMT in Leipzig - June 2000

nnnn nn n Benefit Concert for the LMT - Nov. 11, 2000

nnnn nn n Candlelight Vigil for Lisa McPherson - Dec. 2000

nnnn nn n First Anniversary of the LMT - Jan. 6, 2001

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