Christofferson Titchborne Trial
May, 1985
Oregon was turned into a three ring circus
when a jury awarded a former Scientologist
a $39 million judgement.

was a former member who sued the Church of Scientology
because it had made fraudulent claims that it would
improve her eyesight and raise her intelligence.
The testimony was of a general nature relating to
Hubbard, the RPF, the culling of pc folders and
other examples of Church of Scientology misconduct.
On Friday, 17 May 1985 the jury announced its verdict:
$39 million damages, of which $20 million were awarded
against Hubbard personally.
the verdict was announced, David Miscavige ordered
thousands of Scientologists to assemble in Oregon
to protest the decision. John Travolta flew into
Oregon in his Lear jet to join in the protest, and
Chick Corea cancelled a concert to attend.
Planes and buses were chartered for public and staff.
A special Portland edition of Freedom Magazine was
published and delivered to every doorstep in Portland.
David Miscavige's plan worked. Judge Londer
granted a mistrial.
about the verdict in the Trial
about the influx of Scientologists