Det. Sudler:
Okay. Did you have any problems with her. . .you know...
as far as. . .you know. . .unexcused absences or anything
.you know. . .with her.. .you know. . .personal life or anything where she wouldn’t show up for work or. . .you know.. . take time off unexpectedly or anything like that?
Well, are you speaking of her entire career or...?
Det. Sudler:
Umm. . .no, not until last year. She did have some
problems last year beginning in I guess about March or April.
Det. Sudler:
And what were those problems?
She was having personal problems. . .you know. I can’t
speak a lot for them. I don’t know a lot about what was bothering her except that she was having boyfriend problems. . .or actually fiance problems. But they were not getting along. They were trying to buy a house, which is a very stressful venture anyway if you’ve ever bought a house.. .and going through all that. So.. .and then they were on again, off again kinda thing. So...
Det. Sudler:
Did she talk to you one on one about this?
Oh, she has men.. .she mentioned it a couple of times...
sure. But I didn’t spend a lot of time with her on it
Det. Sudler:
Okay. So it was...it was basically that she was having
some stress in a relationship with her boyfriend over purchasing property.
Well, I can’t tell you if it was over purchasing
the property. I just know that was going on.
• Det. Sudler:
But there was stress. Okay. Umm. . .did that
relationship end?
Uh Huh.
Det. Sudler: On a good note?