Det. Sudler:
She didn’t.. .you know.. .have any hives or.
.you know
.or an allergic reaction to.
.you know.
.a cologne
or shampoo or something that made her break out?
No. I mean.’. .1 know we.
.we had special soaps we
bought for both of us that she particularly liked. But I don’t think...
Det. Jewett:
Were they for skin care or...?
Umm.. yeah.. .we actually.
.we had.. .we.
.1 ordered
all of our skin care products. And.. .you know.. .1. don’t know why.. .if.
. .if
it was because she just liked the product or there was anything particular, but I never knew of any kind of skin or anything...
rash or anything like that.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Umm.
.did she travel frequently?
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Umm.
.so she didn’t go out of the country
or go any places.. .you know.
.where she could contract anything.. .you know.
.that would be not.
.you know...
like the common cold or flu?
Det. Sudler:
She didn’t travel abroad recently?
Det. Sudler:
The overall mental condition of Lisa.. .can you describe
• •
Yeah.. I mean.. I .in my.. .from what I saw and heard,
it was like it was very.
.‘umm.. .very focused on.
.you know.. .the things she wanted to do and her projects.. her work. 11mm.
. .
and just good.
I mean.
. .
just happy
. .
and just really a go-getter.
Det. Sudler: Okay. Umm.
.with regard to her.. .her relationships
in her life.
. .1...
I understand that she had
a boyfriend at one point. Do you know anything about