Det. Sudler:
Both physical and mental stress.
Det. Sudler:
A lot of times.. .you know.. .that could be factors
in the person’s overall health.
Det. Sudler:
Did she have anything like that that you’re aware of?
No. Like I said, I.. .as far as anorexia, I know it
wasn’t that because she.
.we certainly did eat. And as far as bulimia, I don’t.
.you know.. I
.1 never saw anything that would tell me that.
Det. Jewett:
Was she sick a lot?
Det. Jewett:
Did you ever see her not feeling well or vomiting or
diarrhea or anything like that?
Det. Jewett:
That you’re aware of?
Det. Sudler:
What about any type of physical activity that would
cause her to bruise? Would.
. .
did she bruise easily or did she do anything very strenuous?
.no, she was definitely not into doing anything
strenuous or any strenuous exercise. So, that I know of.. .you know.. .no. But I...
Det. Jewett:
Was she allergic to anything that you know of?
No.. .that I know of.. .no.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Not bee stings or insect bites or anything
like that?
Oh God, I.
.that I know of.. .no.
Det. Sudler:
What about her.
.her skin condition? Did she have
any, allergies.. .any skin allergies or anything? Did she break out in hives or rashes or anything like that?
No.. .that I.. .that I know of.. .no.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Nothing ‘that you ever saw.. .you know..?