what files.
Q. Okay. But we don�t know if Miss Johnson, now
Miss Fontana, has ever been asked if she�s aware of the
existence or non�existence of these reports?
How would that formally happen? 
Have you ever -- and I will not ask you specifics
about incidents, because I understand that the Church might
take the position; even if it doesn�t relate to the
McPherson ease, it may in some other instance be privileged.
But have you ever, in your tenure with the Church,
in your involvement in the legal affairs of the Church, asked that people write reports because it�s an incident
that might have
�� create some liability for the Church?
Have you ever asked someone to do that?
Create liability for the Church?
  Q You know, get sued.
A. Exactly.
No, it�s more like
well, yes.
- Q. Okay.
A.  I think �- 
Q. Have you done that yourself?
A. Yes. But it wasn�t more like
getting sued,
personally, personal experience. For instance, about two
months ago or a month ago some
shelving collapsed in our