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Phone Call On my first visit to Clearwater, Florida I received a phone call. A man called from my hotel's front desk, asked for my checkout time and arranged for a cab. Checking with the front desk led to some very disturbing news.
Injury Two Scientologists show up at my house to picket me after I had videotaped a picket at their Los Angeles headquarters on L. ROn Hubbard's Birthday.
Revenge Picket Two Scientologists show up at my house to picket me after I had videotaped a picket at their Los Angeles headquarters on L. ROn Hubbard's Birthday.
Visit to Relay Point Bob detailed the reasons for his activism at the annual conference of the Cult Information Services.
in Chicago I traveled to Chicago to interview two dentists who had been defrauded by Scientology and was arrested on trumped up charges.
with a Hammer One week after my arrest, I returned to Clearwater only to be attacked by a guy with a hammer.