Picket Footage
Revenge Picket
March 14, 1999
sent two people to picket my home in L.A. on the day following
L. Ron Hubbard's birthday.in retaliation for my having videotaped
a picket being held against Scientology.
daring to point a camera at Scientology, they overnight found out my
identity and printed flyers to spread around my neighborhood. Hours
later, Dan Murnan and a man identified only as D. arrived at my home.
After Tory Bezazian-Christman
left Scientology and became my friend, she told me that she was
asked by Scientology to be one of the people to picket my home.
She told them there was no way she would do such a thing and it
was a mistake to do so.
Ultimately, I think Dan came to agree with that opinion.