From: “Public <Anonymous_Account>” <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 13,200l 2:44 AM
Subject: LMT Accomplishments 2000-2001

Lisa McPherson Trust Accomplishments in 2000 and 2001

by Bob Makingaminton-Anyoneicancon

1. They have aided many known felons.

2. They have helped many convicted felons elude justice.

3. They have likely committed other unpublicized crimes that they are unwilling to admit.

4. They have slandered charitable organizations.

5. They have promoted hate, intolerance and bigotry.

6. They have tastelessly set up shop near the homes of those they despise, akin to Nazis establishing camp in Israel.

7. They have promoted illegal drug use and abuse, and spoken out against charitable organizations opposed to such abuse.

8. They have lied outrageously about crimes committed by their constituents and those they aid in vain attempts to mask their fundamentally criminal nature.

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