From: (Jesse Prince)
Subject: New Tech Begets Old Tech--Another Drive By Picket
Date: 10 Sep 1998
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology

New Tech Begets Old Tech--Another Drive By Picket

Bob and I were sitting here in NH tonight having a leisurely meal when all of a sudden there was a honk of a car horn. Bob, being the ever inquisitive person he is, discovered we were having another drive by protest. Amazing how the winds of change work as we had earlier noted the absence of familiar company this day. Well, to say the least we were excited and quickly joined in on the fun. In that we had so much fun playing Steven King style 2 days ago, we revisited our earlier antics which got the windows up right away of course.

Now this time there was a brave OT 8 with them, Gerard Renna! Jesse was truly impressed by this show of force and waited like a fan of Michael Jackson in the middle of the road to see a star. Well, Gerard displayed true OT abilities and rolled down his window to engage his fan waiting in the road for him. What happened next is the stuff dreams are made of. Jesse, being an ex OT himself, employed some little known but often used L Ron Hubbard OT tech peculiar to Ned for OT'S. He used the "Thetan Hand Technique". To mere mortals and Wogs it looked like Jesse slapped the dog-shit out of Gerard! But to those of us that have gone up the "Bridge to Total Freedom" we knew the real deal. In an instant Jesse had saved Gerald at least $20,000, clearing away pesky BT's and Clusters that otherwise would have to be reckoned with at great expense.

The "Thetan Hand Technique" is yet another of LRH's brilliant discoveries for handling BT's and Clusters that just won't listen. The procedure is a follows: You run across a recalcitrant BT or Cluster that does not respond to "Who are you? What are you." You've tried to date/locate to no avail. You scream "Get out! Get out you fuckers", as piloted by Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard in Creston, CA (similar to Las Palmas?) just when Ron was almost done losing his mind. In these extreme cases, the only cure is "Thetan Hand". This is an extreme technique only to be used when all else fails or patience is lost.

To say the least, this was a brilliant stroke and the drive by protest was ended on that whack. Afterward Jesse commented that he really didn't know he had it in him to execute Ron's tech so brilliantly. Bob and Jesse deserve major commendation awards for their commitment to tech. What could have ended a boring day proved once again, with L Ron Hubbard aboard as Commodore, that anything can happen.

Stay tuned for more as it happens.

Bob and Jesse out for now but remember this; it's really tough at the top.