(Robert S. Minton) The following paragraph is quoted from a letter dated February 28, 1996 from Senator Bob Smith of NH that I received upon my return from Clearwater last night:
This could of course be standard constituent gobbledegook. However, there is enough encouragement contained in the letter that, IMHO, those concerned with Scientology harassing its critics should take some action. The Senate Judiciary Committee has a www page at Check it out. Some information on the page is listed below:
E-mail and snailmail
addresses are on the wwtv page. Write as many of these members as you can to express your concerns about how Scientology abuses the laws of this country but at the least include some focus on the first and fourth amendment constitutional issues that have been discussed on ars concerning ex-parte search abuse under copyright law. Try to write, at
minimum, Senator Hatch and your local Senator on the committee. Just think, we might even get to see a few scienos explain their Fair Game policies on C-Span under the glare of camera lights. I wonder if the uniformed guards and leather trench-coated OSA operatives so visible in Cleatwater would show up in the Senate? Lets try to
make this a tiny win for the critics. Bob Minton