Greg and Debra Barnes

Knowledge Report re: misapplication of standard Scientology policies

June 17, 1999



------C/S International
------ED Int
------LRH Comm Int
------HAS Sandcastle
------Public MAA-Causma
------Public MAA- April Buchanan
------Auditor Terese Blum

Greg Barnes- Flag Public

Knowledge Report

Public MAA- Causma
Public MAA- April Buchanan
Auditor Terese Blum
On May 8th after being denied a change of auditor and C/S I was taken back to Terese Blum's auditing room. Terese informed me that she was going to do a FPRD correction list and she put the cans in my hands. I told Terese that I had told the D of P Valerie that I had had only 5 hours of sleep and that to do a correction list was squirrel and I refused to let her do the action. This violates HCOB of 19 June 1980 The Auditors Code point 5.

After being routed to ethics because I was not cooperative Terese Blum began what she called the ethics interview with the repetitive command "What overt has been restimulated" . This is a non-standard listing question which violates HCOB 17 March 1974 Two -Way comm, Using Wrong Questions and violates HCOB 19 June 1980 The Auditors Code point 3 - I promise to administer only standard tech to a preclear in the standard way.

During the day after putting the cans down several times after being asked repetitively the "What overt has been restimulated" by Terese Blum and April Buchanan I was restrained from leaving by Terese Blum by her physically blocking the door and trying to physically escort me back into my chair. At one point April Buchanan, Terese Blum and Causuma all three block the door and tried to physically stop me from leaving.

The above mentioned act violates HCOPL of 13 July 1981 Ethics: Freedoms and Barriers where LRH states "Any effort to hold a person against his will deprives him of his power of choice and reduces his self- determinism. Return of self-determinism to the individual is one of the means by which the goal of Scientology is accomplished. Interference with the determinism of any staff member, student or ethics case by use of any form of force is forbidden. The class of offense under which such attempts may fall is covered in the HCO PLs referenced above under the "Crimes" and "High Crimes."

LRH also states "Furthermore, holding someone against his will, threats of use of force to do injury to another, infliction of injury to another, wrongful or forceful entry upon the property of another and unauthorized confinement or restriction of liberty are violations of both Civil and Criminal codes."
I was stopped from leaving for some two hours and threatened by Public MAA Causma with a non-enturbulation order if I did not cooperate and continue the squirrel process. Terese Blum at one point said " I know you want to hit me so go ahead".

LRH states in HCOPL Ethics: Freedoms and Barriers "No Student, staff member or any public individual on any Scientology org line may be detained against his or her will under any circumstance whatsoever."
A more detailed account of what occurred on that day and what lead me to request another auditor and C/S is attached.