Harold's Journal
Editorial Opinion By RWL - 09 August 1990

Today's installment of the Scientology Story is the last in this series researched and produced by the Los Angeles Times. Your knowledge of this dangerous, destructive and sinister mind control cult will protect you and your family from its attempts to expand by feeding off of an unsuspecting society.

For nearly two years now, Scientology and its recruiting front, Narconon, have tried to gain acceptance in our area. They have attempted every devious and deceptive practice one can imagine. They have been caught in their own lies almost every time they have opened their mouths.

Pseudo-medicine and psychobabble aside... the fact remains that Narconon is operating an unlicensed and uncertified facility at Chilocco, in violation of Oklahoma State Law. The State Health Department has asked the District Court for an injunction to shut the operation down. District Attorney Joe Wideman has filed the paperwork, and next Tuesday at 9 am in Courtroom A at the Kay County Courthouse in Newkirk, Judge Beekman will be asked to issue that injunction.

You can be sure that Scientology will be well represented by duped believers and slick lawyers, all bent on protecting their investment in fraud and deception.

The Health Department deserves your support... and your silent presence in the courtroom... next Tuesday morning, as they assert their right to protect your health and welfare from such charlatans. Sometimes government does work to your benefit. Give it a helping hand Tuesday morning. Be there.


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