FL0520300/Clearwater Police Depàrtmeñt
Death Investigation . Date of Report
Det. Carrasquillo: So I can compare you with Lisa. What is your job description down at AMC?
Well, originally I started as a sales rep and I worked directly
with Lisa. She actually trained me. I’d never worked sales before and I.. .I’d always done accounting. And umm...then we had some changes in the company where some people left. And so they didn’t have anyone to do their accounting for them. And I agreed to step in and do that.
Det. Carrasquillo:
So you became their accountant?
Agent Feola:
Are you currently the company accountant?
Uh Huh.. .yeah.
Det. Carrasquillo:
Well, would that be a decrease in pay? Because my
understanding is sales people really make good money there.
Well, what we did was we worked it out so that it wasn’t a
decrease in pay. Umm.. .you know.., obviously with sales you get that runway...
Det. Carrasquillo:
Commission.., right...
You’ve gotta. . .you’ve gotta build it up. So it had gotten to
the point where it was building up and going. So there were some things I got to keep for a certain period of time because I’d built them up and then we let that go and then.. .you know.. I was compensated on.. .you know.., a regular salary basis, so....
Det. Carrasquillo:
When was the last time you had contact with Lisa prior to
her death?
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