FL0520300/Clearwater Police Department
95-29 158
Death Investigation
Date of Report
to handle.. .you can�t talk to your clients like that...! don�t care who they are.. .you know.� �That�s not okay.. .we�ve got to collect the money.. .we can�t make them so mad that we never get the money.� And she goes �Oh. .yeah.
.yeah.� Well, then the client called back within an hour and said �Oh, I was just in a bad mood. ..I�m sorry and I�ll put the check in the mail.� I mean it was very.. .but.
.you know.. .it was like.. .it was very strange back and forth.
Det. Carrasquillo:
Did you write a report regarding that incident?
Det. Carrasquillo:
Okay. I just want to touch back on the report. The one that
you.. .you did write a report...
Det. Carrasquillo:
For November 18th. Correct?
Det. Carrasquillo:
How many pages was it?
Umm. ..I don�t know. Maybe a couple. The thing was I
actually talked to someone at the church at that time, so all I
do is write up some of the other things that I had
Agent Feola:
Okay. Yeah; let�s get back to that. What else did you
So then the only things I observed were.. .like I said, she
burst into tears for no reason.. .you know. It was just kinda like....she said she just hadn�t been sleeping well. So she was tired and we talked about that. And I knew she was going to this convention and we talked about some of the