FL0520300/Clearwater Police Department
Report No.
Death Investigation
Date of Report
Attorney Cacciatore: What we were talking about when my tape ended was...you know.. .what time it was that you were leaving Lisa’s,
Uh Huh.
Attorney Cacciatore:
So if you’ll just go back to that.
Uh. ..I think it was about 3:30... 3:45... somewhere in that
range... time.. .maybe as late as 4 and I.. I don’t really
know...I didn’t really look at the time. The only thing I know
of is that then when I got home, my daughter and I were
supposed to go take care of someone’s cat who was gone for
the Thanksgiving weekend, which this was the weekend right
before Thanksgiving. So we drove right back down Ft.
Harrison again to go back by the office. That’s the way we
drove to her house. And as we drove down Ft. Harrison,
there was...a wreck had already occurred because there were
cars stopped. It was kind of tangly. . .you know. ..getting
through there. And then when I drove past the office, I
looked and I said. ...to my daughter I said “Her car’s not
there...I wonder why her car is not there.. .it’s really strange.
So we went to go take care of the cat. We were gone maybe
15 or 20 minutes. Came back down. And by that time when
I came back down again, I double checked to make sure I
hadn’t missed something. Her car was gone. And then I saw
the. ..that boat.. .that truck. .the truck with the boat and the
engine on the back of it. And I didn’t ever see Lisa’s car but I
saw that car and that trailer with the boat on it along the
side of.. .over by the golf course right there. And when I got
home...I hadn’t been home very long when Benetta called
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