FL0520300/Clearwater Police Department
RePort No.
95-29 158
Death Investigation
Date of Report
Paine: We did for a short period of time.. .one to two months. And I... I would say it was around October of 94.. .somewhere in there. That should be in the previous report.
Det. Carrasquillo:
Okay. Did.. .did you reside here at this location or/
somewhere else?
201-B Fairmont Street, which is right around the corner
from here.
� Agent Feola:
Were you the only two individuals living there at that time?
Det. Carrasquillo:
What kind of arrangements did you have while you were
living together? In.. .in other words, sometimes when I�d cohabitate.. I paid all the bills...! bought all the food. Or did you split the expenses down.. .down the middle?
To be honest, I don�t actually recall. I think I continued
paying the rent. I mean it wasn�t that much money. And as far as food goes, I probably paid for most of that because we ate... she ate out a lot and I ate out a lot. So it.. .it wasn�t really an issue.
Det. Carrasquillo:
And at that point in time, her physical and psychological
makeup.. .how did you observe.. .observe it to be?
Quite normal.
Det. Carrasquillo:
Fine.., she was happy go lucky... no problems?
Yeah.. .yeah. I mean I wouldn�t be interested in having a
relationship with somebody that wasn�t like that.
Det. Carrasquillo:
Was she a.. .you know.. .a sickly person.. .always getting sick
or things like that?

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