Clearwater Police Department
RePort No.
Death Investigation
Date of Report
Agent Feola:
Did you know.. .did you ever know anything about a
roommatet hat she may have had there?
Umm. . .yes, she did have a roommate that I met once and I
can�t think of her name now.
Det Carrasquillo: Was she anglo.. .black. . .hispanic...?
I think she�s a hispanic woman. I...I.. .her name escapes me.
Det. Carrasquillo: Does the name Glora ring a bell?
Gloria...! think.. .yeah. . I think that�s her name.
Agent Feola:
Do you know any of the facts and circumstances
surrounding the reason why she�d be living with Lisa?
No, I just figured she had a roommate. I.. I never.. .1.. I think
I talked to her once while Lisa was still alive and I think!
met her actually after Lisa died. And I didn�t know her.
Agent Feola:
I think that�s it for me Jorge.
Det. Carrasquillo:
Did you go to the memorial they had here for Lisa?
Det. Carrasquillo:
I�ve got one question for you Ms. Cutty. Are you an attorney
or involved in a law profession in any way, shape, or form?
No. As I stated, she�s merely a friend.
Det. Carrasquillo:
No.. .just because once she sits in an interview like this, she becomes part of the..the report.
Agent Feola:
In other words, if this thing eventually down the line.., that�s
what I�ve tried to explain to people beforehand.. .you will
receive a subpoena if he does. Okay.. .just...