Yes. In fact.. .the ER’s changed since then. The room we’re
in right now as a treatment room at that time. They did
come in and they talked to Barb and they talked to Dr.
Minkoff...and I think just briefly. But as I recall, they didn’t
stay for a very long time afterwards.
Det. Carrasquillo:
They just basically had conversations with Barbara and Dr.
Yeah, I think so. I really didn’t have any detailed
discussions with them at all other than out there at the van
just.. .you know.. .“What’s going on?” and they said “Well,
she’s been sick and! don’t think she’s breathing.
Det. Carrasquillo:
Do you remember exactly.. .is that exactly what they told
you? Because you said you asked them questions and one
question was “What’s going on?”
Right... right.
Det. Carrasquillo:
And you remember their response?
I.. I really don’t recall to tell you the truth. It was just real
brief and I was just focused on the patient to get her