was within, it may have even been the same evening, it may have within a few days, but apparently right after she talked .with me, or you know, as I said, I don�t know exactly, something had occurred, or she came to some decision, and she called Kelly and told her, �I�m leaving,� you know, �I want to leave Clearwater, I want to come back to Dallas and I want to resume friendships, I want to be back in touch with my friends, will you be my friend if I come there� kind of thing, and I was really shocked. I remember standing there with Kelly, and it�s like, well, that�s really strange. The last time I talked to Lisa, she was uh, you know, a commercial for Scientology and then of course you start thinking about it and I thought, oh yeah, she really was, wasn�t she? What an odd thing. I hadn�t thought about it in those terms until I said it out loud, that you know, usually as I said, Lisa and I talked about things that had to do with the church in terms of our lives, not just this is all wonderful, this is great, isn�t it wonderful, and I can�t say enough good about Scientology. She actually said those words, �I can�t say enough good about this tech� and I was like, okay.

How did she sound?
OH: Animated. Um, happy, you know, bubbly.
So how did you come to the conclusion about the introspective rundown?
� OH: Well, first of all, there would be no reason for Kelly to tell me that. There would absolu..., they would be no reason for her to say that, and the other thing is that Carla urn, her sister, Kelly�s sister, who I was really good friends with when we were younger, urn, told me that she was on the phone with, or she had called Kelly, and Kelly said you�re not going to believe who I�m on the phone with, I�m on the phone with Lisa Mac, let me call you back, and so, you know, that to me was urn,

Absolutely. I was, I felt a little weird. I felt a little strange about it, cause
I�m like, well, that�s interesting, you know, we�ve been friends for all these years and �kept in touch and everything, and yet you call me and tell me everything�s peachy and sometime in a short period of time, you call Kelly and say �I�m outta here�. I don�t know that Kelly told me at that point that Lisa actually said I�m leaving Scientology, but she did definitely say that she was leaving Clearwater, that she wanted to come back to Dallas. So at first it was kind of this urn, I had kind of a weird reaction to it because I was confused as to why �she would give me the commercial and then call Kelly, but after talking with Kelly, I talked with her briefly at the funeral, and then actually met with she and Carla and Sherrie, our other friend, urn, later, which was actually, probably several months ago, and we talked about it again, and I feel certain that it was the truth. She was telling
me the truth, that Lisa had told her she was going to leave.