come on right now...” And she was practically trying to drag
me out the door. “You’re going to the hotel and see where
she.. .where she wanted to go.. .she wanted to go there.., she
asked to go there and you’re gonna go see her room.” And I
said “No, I’m not” and I didn’t go.
Agent Feola:
She did what?
She wanted to take me to see the room that... that she was
Agent Feola:
Did you ever go to the hotel at all while you were there?
No, we didn’t.. .we didn’t.
Agent Feola:
Did you go to any of the Church facilities?
No, we did not.. .we didn’t. We were never asked to go to her
office, which we should’ve gone because she.. .you know.., she
had personal things there that we never knew what she had.
They... they did bring her laptop computer back. And.. .but
anyway...I get so wound up in this thing when I think about
it. But.., but anyway.. .Benetta. ..she had told., .you
know...they just had told so many stories. But then I asked
Gloria by herself... I said “Gloria, where was Lisa two weeks
before she died?” She said “She was at Benetta’s.” So when
I went in the other room, I said “Benetta, Gloria just told me
that Lisa lived at your house the last two weeks.”