Well, I’m not the top but I’m there.
Det.. Sudler:
Okay. When.. .when did you first.. .1.. I guess meet
or get to know Lisa McPherson.
Lisa McPherson came into MLO office the summer of
She was having a little difficulty sleeping...
loss of appetite. And I .found out she was not normally living in this. . .you know.. .she’d come down from a different climate. And so I advised her.. .gave her names of physicians that we use that
she could go and have things checked out to see if
there was a medical situation that was causing the lack of sleep and lack of appetite. . .which is one of the functions that I do.
Det. Sudler:
0 She came back to me a couple of days later and said
that she had gone to see Dr. Decuypere and felt that they found what was her problem. And she was very happy and. . . and it had been resolved. So then
that was the end of my involvement with her. She’d
come over a couple of times just to say hello and I
saw her later. She had completed a course, which
was a major action at the church. And she was very
very happy and wanted me to be at the graduation 0
where she was giving a certificate. And I told her
I’d be there. And then the next time I saw her was
at the hospital.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. So you saw her in the summer of 95. She was
.having difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite, and she wasn’t used to the climate here. Where.. .where was she from? Did she tell you?
Umm.. . in the north part of the east coast
or. .or. . .you know. . .midwest. I don’t.. .1 can’t..
0 I don’t know exactly where except it was a northern