Det. Sudler:
How long was that after she was released from
the hospital.
I had some other things I was doing. Probably
two days later when Janice and I could talk. We hadn’t seen each other in about two days. I’m not always in the office.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Did.. .did you see Lisa while she was
there at all?
.no, I did not.
Det. Sudler:
Did you hear any discussion about Lisa’s
No, I haven’t.. .1 have no knowledge.
The only time I had talked with Janice I had
asked her.. .you know.
.1 said I promised Lisa to see her and how was she doing. Janice said she was okay.
. .
that everything was being taken care of. I said “Just tell Lisa I said hello
and when she’s better she can come over to see
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Okay. When did you find out that Lisa
. .
.you know.. .had died. Or did you hear that
she was in bad health at anytime?
Actually I had taken another staff member to
Morton Plant Hospital and Dr. Lovett told me
she had died.
Det. Sudler:
How long after that?
And I came back to the base and asked security,
Det. Sudler: Janice didn’t tell you that Lisa had died?