may have or anything?
No, I hadn�t heard anything.
Det. Sudler: She didn�t display any self-destructive behavior
or anything? - -
No, except for that one episode when she was angry
. . angry about something and she pounded on something.
But.. .no. .that...
Det. Sudler:
That was not the answer.
Yeah. . .1 mean. . .not for the purpose of. . .you know...
injuring herself. She was just. . .she was blowing off steam.
Det. Sudler:
She didn�t.. .okay. .she didn�t make statements...
suicidal statements to you or anybody that you�re aware of that she didn�t want to live anymore or...?
I never heard any such thing.
Det. Sudler:
Was she trying to starve herself to death?
- I.. .I�m. . .1 can�t really.. .1 mean.. .1 can�t really
-. .
say that I knew enough about what was going on in
her mind and actually what she was doing to say that -
that is or isn�,t the case. - - -
Det. Sudler:
Johnson: - If I knew a little more, maybe I could give you a
guess. But I don�t feel like I really know enough to even say.
Det. Sudler:
Yeah. That�s why we�re trying to fill in that period
of time... . -
Yeah. - - -
Det. Sudler:
You know. . .Lisa had a family history that I can�t
- - get into.-.. � -
Johnson: - Okay.
. -
Det. Sudler:
But we. .we need tO have. . .you know.. .we want to
fill in that gap from the time that she had that accident to the time of her ,death about.. .you know...