may have or anything?
No, I hadn�t heard anything.
Det. Sudler: She didn�t display any self-destructive behavior
or anything?
- -
No, except for that one episode when she was angry
. .
angry about something and she pounded on something.
But.. .no. .that...
Det. Sudler:
That was not the answer.
.1 mean.
.not for the purpose of.
.you know...
injuring herself. She was just.
.she was blowing off steam.
Det. Sudler:
She didn�t.. .okay. .she didn�t make statements...
suicidal statements to you or anybody that you�re aware of that she didn�t want to live anymore or...?
I never heard any such thing.
Det. Sudler:
Was she trying to starve herself to death?
I.. .I�m.
.1 can�t really.. .1 mean.. .1 can�t really
-. .
say that I knew enough about what was going on in
her mind and actually what she was doing to say that
that is or isn�,t the case.
- - -
If I knew a little more, maybe I could give you a
guess. But I don�t feel like I really know enough to even say.
Det. Sudler:
Yeah. That�s why we�re trying to fill in that period
of time...
. -
Det. Sudler:
You know.
.Lisa had a family history that I can�t
Det. Sudler:
But we.
.we need tO have.
.you know.. .we want to
fill in that gap from the time that she had that accident to the time of her ,death about.. .you know...