birthdate or anything like that. So I gave them whatever information I had and that was the correct
.. .you know. . .correct spelling of her name. And
mean. . .1. . .I’ve been around enough to know that
you know. . . I could get from what the nurse was
saying.. .the nurse wasn’t saying anything directly...
Det. Sudler: Uh Huh. -
But I could get. . .you know.. .from what she was saying
that things were not going well.
Det. Sudler:
And when they kept asking “Well, who’s her
next-of-kin?”.. .1 mean.. .I’m not stupid.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Okay. When did they formally. . .did they
ever formally tell you that she died that night or...?
Well, yeah.
Det. Sudler:
Who was that? Was it a nurse or a doctor told you?
No, it was a nurse. - - - - • -
Det. Sudler:
ER nurse? -
Uh Huh. - - . -
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Did they say what the cause of death was
they believed ,to-be or anything?
No. They.. . they just asked. . .you know.. . “Is she --
allergic to anything.. .does she have any préviôus medical history?” And I’m. . .I’m saying. . .you know
.. . “1 don’t know of any medical- illness that she...
that she’s had in the past”.
Det. Sudler:
Was there.. .did she still have the bruises on her?
She had. . . as of that night on. .on. . .on Tuesday as
I was-helping-dress her.. .she had real.. .real
strange looking bruises. It’s a different kind of
bruise.. .it’s. . .was sepsis. What will happen is
that’the little blood vessels will develop -
inflammation and they’ll burst. -