this. And I went to. . .went to a phone and from there
I called to make,sure that Dr. Minkoff was on duty that
night. I made a few phone calls to set all this up.
Det. Sudler:
Alright. Did you talk to Dr. Minkoff? -
Yeah. -
Det. - Sudler:
Okay. -
Johnson: -
Yeah, he was in the Emergency Room there and I. . .1
told him’what was going on and that.. .you know.. .she
needed to be seen tonight.. .that there was just... you know. . . no way that she was going to wait till tomorrow. -
Det. Sudler:
That was before your visit to Lisa?
No, that was -after.
Det. Sudler:
Okay, after...
Yeah, I went and I saw her.. .1 said “Yeah Laura..
you know. . .we’ve got to do something here. . . I’m gonna
- - - go get this all set up”. And so I -went and I made the
arrangements. . .made the phone calls. And I also said
~good God... after I talked to.. .after-I talked to him
. . .1 hung up and said I don’t know where this place is.
So I got on the phone and I asked Emma to draw it out
- for me because she’d been there before. So I said...
- “Draw. ..draw me a map”. And then.. .how did I get that .but she.. .she ran it over. -
Det. - Sudler:
Okay. -
She. . . she gave it to me. - -
Det. Sudler:
Umm.. .during your conversation with Dr. Minkoff, what
did.. .what did he say when •you. . .1 mean. . .1 guess you
described the condition of Lisa...
Yeah, I said.. .you know... “She’s.-. .she’s septic.. .she
-- she does not want anything to do with doctors”. - And
- I just explained to him that. .-.you know. . . “Just.. .1
want you to. . .you know. . . just maybe let us have a