Yeah, I went and got her.. .she was wearing this night
shirt. . .1 didn’t want to take her out. . .you know...
wearing night clothes. So I just.. .you know. . .ran
and I got some clean clothes off the shelf.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. -
Det. Carrasq:
You said that she had had diarrhea for 24 hours.
Was she at the point that you had to clean her up too?
Umm. . .no. .no. . .she.. .she.. .there was a towel on her
bed. .you know. . .under her. But it was okay.. . the towel was clean.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. So she hadn’t soiled her undergarments or
bed àr anything like that?
No. -
Det. Sudler:
Umm.. .she was conscious.. .1 mean. . .in talking to
her. . .1 mean. . .she could carry on a conversation?
Yeah, she was making.. .she was. . .you know. .1 mean.,..
when someone is septic, they aren’t. . .you know. . .like
real fast.. .you know. - They’re kinda slow.. .they don’t
think real straight. But she wasn’t like babbling or
•. • . .you know.. .not making sense. She was just slow --
to respond. -
Det. Sudler: -
Okay. Umm. . .was she ambulatory.. .could she walk on
her own? -
Well, we weren’t gonna take a chance on her falling.
So I’m.. .Laura’s on one side.. .you know.. .with her
hand under her arm. And I stood on the other side. And -we...we walked her...like I told you, there was
- -
two -beds there. We.. .we walked her over from the bed
where she was to the one-that was next to the door...
.you know. . . and.. . and sat her down on the bed. And
it was like I was not wanting to go all the way across
the street where my van was. So I said “Here Laura, I’m gonna go pull up the van”. And Paul Greenwood by