Det. Sudler:
Okay. - -
I don’t know where.. .you know. . .where exactly she
was during most of the day. I would usually. . . if
I was gonna pop in, the time of day that fit with
my schedule the best was.. .you know.. .usually around
4:00. - -
Okay. -
So that was usually when I would be making my trip
around ,that area.
Did she mention that she had been anywhere?
Mostly I would just ask other people that were around
rather than asking her because she didn’t like being
asked. . .if things weren’t going well especially...
you know.. .she didn’t.. .didn’t want anyone to ask
her about. . .you know.. .how things were going. And
• -
.. .and so I just.. .you know... .would get reports from
-. other people that knew her better and. . .you know. . . that she would confide in. She still wasn’t particularly
friendly toward me or didn’t see me as being. . ~you know
.one of her buddies that she would talk freely with. Det. Carrasq: Would the other people- tell you?
Oh yeah, they. . .they’d tell me. . .you know... “Oh yeah.
- - - - you know. . . she did fine last night or she only slept - - three hours or she didn’t sleep at al-i”. ..I mean...
those were the kind of. . .you know. . .reports that I
- - would get. And it varied from day to day.
Det. Sudler:
So at that second -visit, she seemed to be improving to
- - -
you? -
- Yeah. She looked. . . she definitely looked better.
Det. Sudler:
Was any of the other staff checking on-her on a regular
basis? - ‘ -
‘ - - - -
Like I said, I know.. .1 know that Suzanne was.. .yeah.
Det. Sudler: Umm. . .alright. When.. .1 guess. . .and when would be the