Det. Sudler:
Wayne State in Detroit.
I went on to a residency in anesthesia and
sub-specialty in chronic pain. And then took a position at the University of New Mexico teaching. And from there I went into private practice in Tucson, Arizona about eight years.
Det. Sudler:
In anesthesiology?
Yeah. I was in an anesthesia group. What I was
doing was chronic pain control.
Det. Sudler:
I guess that’s a pretty lucrative thing now.. .you
know. .with chronic pain control.
Det. Sudler:
I guess that’s one of the top deals to get into
is pain management. I know I see a lot of stuff on it.. .on TV and...
Det. Sudler:
Yeah.. .yeah. It wasn’t there?
It wasn’t in Arizona.
. .
Had mostly medicare type cancerpatients.
Det. Sudler:
Pretty depressing work there.
Yeah, it wasn’t.. .it was something that not very
many people wanted to do.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. had went to
college in Detroit and then you finished up in Arizona and...
No, I finished in Detroit.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. But you were in private practice in Arizona?