Det. Ron Sudler
Today’s date is 5/29/96. The time is 9:35 a.m. This is gonna be an interview with Janis Johnson concerning the Lisa McPherson investigation. present during the interview is myself (Det. Ron Sudler), Det. Carolyn asquillo, Attorney Bob Johnson, and Janis Johnson.

Det. Sudler:
For the record Janis, could you state your name, date of
birth, and address? -
Uh Huh. Janis Johnson. . .spelled J A N I S. Johnson the
usual way. Date of birth is X/56. And address is 503 Cleveland. .Clear.. .it’s Clearwater.
Det. Sudler:
Clearwater. . .okay. Okay. And you’re aware of the
circumstances of our investigation into Lisa McPherson’s death. And I think Det. Carrasquillo has talked to you before. .you know.. .briefly. And what we’d like to do is
just go over some things and find out. . .you know. .when
the first time that you met Lisa and. . .you know. . . some of the background about her and her health background. And. . .you know. . .just basic questions that.. .you know... we want ,to ask you and just try to clarify some things
that came up in our investigation. -
Det. Sudler: Alright. - I understand when.. .well, let-me clear
myself. What is your position with the church over
there?. Do you. . .what is your title or. . . or your job or your function at-the church? -
I’m in a department that takes care of staff
Det., Sudler: - Staff enhancement?
Det. Sudler:
  Johnson: So there are a number of different things that.. .that I do. At the present time I’m a word clearer in the staff college. I need to explain it to you a little bit. Do