by her mom.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. They came here after her death I guess.
Her mom?
Det. Sudler:
Yes, they came here after her death.. .her mom and
her.. I guess would’ have been her two aunts.
Det. Sudler:
How much stuff did she have? Did she have a lot of
clothes and jewelry and...?
Yeah. Well, she had umm.. .umm. . I don’t know.. .she
had a decent amount of clothes. Umm. . .not. . .you know
. .furnished.. .a whole furnished apartment. And as far
as jewelry.. .no.. I don’t know that she had like lots
of jewelry.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. 11mm. . .did she have any problems with bills?
Like did she. . .you know. . .did she buy a lot of clothes
.was she. . .you know. . .maxed out on her charge cards or anything like that. . .you know?
, No, I.. I.. .not at all.
Det. Sudler:
She.. .was. .you know.. .a type that’s at the mall every
day buying something? -
She.. .no. . .she like.. .if anything, that was more of
a hassle to her.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. 11mm.. .do you know how.. .did she ever mention
that she had some stuff that was stolen from her at’ one time?
13mm.. .actually, I... I don’t know that she mentioned
it or.. .1. .1 know that when I was in Dallas and may have came here for a visit, umm. . I did hear of a
.of a time where she. . .somebody had come into her apartment and taken some things.
Det. Sudler:
‘Uh Huh. But she. . .there was all the normal furnishings
that you would have. Did she have anything that. . .you know. . . that she had lost and had to replace. .you know...