Det. Sudler:
Okay. 11mm.�. .was she I guess a staff person with
the church?
Det. Sudler:
She wasn�t. Okay. So umm. . .it. . .she didn�t.. .did
she have a particular job to do with that Winter Wonderland on the side or. .or did. . .was that volunteer type work or...?
Umm. . .actually it was. . .it was all.. .all of our time
volunteered. And she and I were basically responsible
.well, part of our.. .of what the volunteering that we did was to get money raised.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. 13mm.. .you wouldn�t describe that as being
unusual. . .unusual or...
Uh Uh.
Det. Sudler:
You know.. .something that would be stressful?
No. We would just.. .you know.. .contact people that�
we knew and. . . and people in the community and just tell them about the project and see how much they could donate.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Umm. .so Lisa.. .as far as you know, was she
taking any courses at. . .at the church that she was putting a lot of effort into or. .you know. . . really working hard on or anything like that?
, Umm. . .not around that time that I know of.
Det. Sudler: Okay. 13mm. . .you know that Lisa. . .1 guess her family
life.. .you know. .with her father and her brother... they had some problems with that. Did she talk to you about that?
11h Uh. , -
Det. Sudler:
.Okay. She didn�t elaborate on any of her past?
No, and I.. .honestly, I never knew if there was...
I don�t know of any problems she�s had with her
family or her brother or dad.