nutritional.. .what do you call it..
counseling therapy.
.whatever. You know how they prescribe vitamins or whatever.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. And you called her. Did you know that she
knew Lisa obviously?
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Umm.. .and what did you tell her?
I asked her if she would go and see what was happening
because I didn’t know what was going on. And umm... I felt like somebody should go and check it out. And I was dirty and it wasn’t really within what I knew what to do with.. .you know. Medical matters are not particularly my area of expertise, so I asked her if she would go.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Then what happened after that?
With what.
.with me? I went home.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Did you hear anything about Lisa?
Yes, because I asked my husband, since he was dressed
appropriately, just to go wait in the lobby and see if anything was needed..
.whatever. And umm.
.so he came home and told me that she was released from the hospital.
Det. Sudler:
And where did she go after that?
She went to the Ft. Harrison.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Do you know why?
Well, I can’t speak for Lisa.
.no.. .but I would
presume because she would want to have rest and... you know.
. .
have the ability to have attention if she wanted itor whatever.. .would be the same reason ‘‘she did before if she was having emotional problems.,
Det. Sudler:
,Did you receive any phone calls from Lisa to
that effect?