.1 know she was receiving some pastoral counseling.
Det. Sudler:
From the church?
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Was that received well.. I mean.. .by her?
Det. Sudler:
Was it improving.
.1 mean.
.was she.
.you know...
holding her own?
Well again.
.you know.
.1 mean.
. .
she stated that
things were better or things were about the same She didn�t discuss it in any lengths at all.
Det. Sudler:
Do you know who was giving her �that type of help
or anything?
I don�t really.�
Det. Sudler:
Would that be anything that we could find out?
I have no idea.
Det. Sudler:
Do you know who.. .who her counselor was?
Back in the summer of that time?
Det. Sudler: Because we�d like
to... you know... we'd like to find
that out�.
.1 mean.
.she may have.
.you know... whether you could disclose it.
.but something in her life that was really bothering her that.. .you know.
Det. Sudler:
That we�d like to find out about.�
Right. I would doubt that� any sort of priest or
pastor is gonna be able to discuss that anyway.
Det. Sudler:
Well, that�s true, but.. .you know.. .rnaybe there�s
a� priest.. .you know.. .priest/parishioner type privilege there. But.
.you know.
.her right to privacy is not an issue right now..
you know... at that point.