very uncomfortable and she couldn’t stand to be out
in the heat sort of thing.
Det. Sudler: Airight. She didn’t elaborate on any..you know... if she did diet or anything or. . .or dietary
supplements or anything?
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Umm.. .at the hospital, what did.. I guess
.1 assume Lisa was released that night. Can you
tell me what happened. . .1 mean. . .did. . .did they complete all their X-Rays or did they take X-Rays or anything like that or...?
Umm. . I have the idea that they didn’t take X-Rays
because. . I have an idea that I was there relatively
early on. . .you know. . . the scene because Mary had been
with her up to that point. And during the course of
that time while I was there they didn’t take her for
X-Rays. And the.. .the doctor just examined her and
and did reflex testing and tested her eyes and
found nothing going on.
Dèt. Sudler:
What did Lisa say? Did she say that.. .you know...
she wanted to be.. .you know.. .‘checked into the hospital. . .that she wanted to go home? Did she say anything like that?
No, I didn’t hear her say anything one way or the
other about’ it.
Det. Sudler: ,
Okay. Alright. Did any doctors approach you and...
you know. . .to ask. . .you know. . .if you. . .you know... since you were there.. .what. . .you know. . .what your relationship was to her? ‘ .
No, no one asked me my. relationship to her.
Det. Sudler: Okay. Did.. .was.. .well, when.. .obviously Lisa was
in the Emergency Room. What precipitated her being released? . Was there any conversations with the