Examiner has completed all of the investigation
in this and get that signed off. So hopefully
that won�t be too much longer. Uh..
is there
anything else that uh.
.that you�d like to discuss
about this case that I might.
.may not have covered?
Well, I�ve got notes here that.. .you know..I didn�t
know until the next day. And.. .and I didn�t know
she�d had the wreck and I didn�t know she�d cracked
up. They hadn�t contacted me.. .told me she was sick
or anything.
Det. Sudler:
Uh Huh. You refer to cracked up.. .what.
.what did they tell you about that?
Well, that she jumped out of the car when she hit
him and was screaming �Where is everybody.. .where
is everybody?�. And
that she stripped off nude