Det. Sudler:
Or register of any transactions?
I have the checkbook her but I.
I’m not sure it’s
.it’s an up-to-date one. But there’s some checks
in here. There’s one to Kurt for $1,000.
.one to Kurt $500. He got on her account in 94 the best I can tell from her checkbook.. .you know.
.what.. .with checks.
Det. Sudler:
Airight. If it should be necessary umm.
. .
.we may
try to subpoena her bank records.
Det. Sudler:
And we may need a letter from you.
.you know.
us authorization.
Det. Sudler:
.that would be alright with you?
I have a form filled out to send to IRS now giving
me power of attorney to find out about the IRA’s.
Of .course, I don’t know how to go about that. But
certainly I’ll be glad to authorize it.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Umm.
.did her and Kurt have any property or
any other assets together?
.not to my knowledge.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. And.. .and to your knowledge they weren’t
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Umm..
.and so going back to.
.you know...
when you were notified of your daughter’s death... what type of information was. .was given to you concerning that?
Okay. Benetta called and I felt like something was
wrong. And I said “Is Lisa alright?” and she said “Lisa’s dead”. And of course I went all to pieces