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represent Lacey Spencer, and I’d like to put a couple
things on the record.
To begin with, Lacey is now fifteen years old.
At the time this happened, she was either thirteen or fourteen years old.
I have spent considerable time talking to her
about this whole circumstance. I also spent some considerable time talking to her mom and dad about the circumstance. Her mother and father live in Michigan. And while I think they’d like to be here for this interview, I think I’ve got them convinced that excluding a lot of the people in here, so maybe Lacey won’t feel so intimidated, Mr. McGarry can run this interview without any kind of problems. And so, based on that, we’re ready to go forward.
Part of the time I spent with Lacey was a focus
on the justice system, generally, and specifically on immunity and the statute 914.04. And believe it or not, she didn’t fall asleep in my history lesson. She asked good questions. And I think she understands what immunity’s all about. I think she certainly knows the difference between right and wrong. She knows she’s here to tell the truth and answer your questions truthfully and completely. |
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