maybe a debit for “power,” which is a type of process.
Okay. This report that you made up, who told
you to -- to do this -- I don’t want to say
“investigation,” because of the semantics problem, but
-- where did that come from, that you were supposed to
talk to these people?
When I was -- Brian and PK, because of what was
said by -- whoever it was on the phone, either Dave or’
-- I don’t remember if it was PK or Brian says,
“Okay. We need to interview these guys, you know, find
out if there’s any possibility of these guys being, you
know, exposed to the infection. We have to know who was
there at what times, that kind of thing.”.
And just to touch on Prosecutor McGarry’s
statements, I started to look into the organization a
little bit, and I found it kind of strange -- and I know,
probably, maybe
- - I hope you can answer this -- but he
hit upon it
- -
Alain was a senior case supervisor, no longer
is; Janice Johnson was an MLO, no longer is; Arthur was
the senior to the
-- to the security chief, which is
Arthur Baxter. Now Arthur Baxter’s not a security chief
no longer, and PK’s no longer in that other position he
was in. He’s now the security chief. So everybody in
this organization, similar to the police department, and