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document what they know is being released?
I thought it maybe something you guys put on the papers,
Now, I got a bunch of reports from a bunch of
people, and then I’ve come to find, after interviewing
and Bob’s been present for many of them -- I talked to
six, seven, other people, and they say, “Oh, yeah. I
wrote a report.” Arid some of them aren’t clear. Those
aren’t the ones I will be referring to. Some of them are
very clear. “I wrote a report. I gave it to PK. I gave it to Lacey. Or I routed it to Mr. Karduzinski.”
And now I’ve come to find out
and this is
information I’ve received from the lawyers that I
reports aren’t available any more. Can’t find them.
Let me give you some examples of some people:
Patricia Strasener (phonetic) says she wrote a report on
11-26 and on 12-5. I assume this 12-5 one is one that
went to you. |
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