Mr. Karduzinski, how would that be achieved?
Well, normally, I think they would either - - the
normal dispatch system in this charge is, you write it,
you put it in an �out� basket, and someone takes it and
delivers it where it�s supposed to go.
All right. Where are these --
With something like this, it would probably be
hand-routed, because it�s case Beta.
All right. Let�s back up and talk about your
basket thing.
Where�s this basket, if you were to do it that
Every staff member has what�s called a
three-basket system: An �in� basket, a �pending� basket,
and �out� basket.
Traffic coming to them goes in their �in�
basket. They read it, they handle it right away. Goes in
the �out� basket. If they can�t handle it right away,
requires them to do more work on it, goes in their
�pending� basket.
Every day, they go to take what�s in the �out�
basket and go to the comm. station, where they have one
basket for them, along with everybody else in their
division or department, so all the people they work with
would have one basket in the same system. That�s where