make a safe decision.. .whether it be driving... whether it be doing anything else.
she could cause something else to happen to someone else or herself.
Det. Sudler:
So, in your opinion she was Baker Act criteria?
Det. Sudler:
If she hadn’t volunteered, you.. .you would’ve
saw to it that she was Baker Acted by one of the law officers there?
That’s why we had them wait outside the ambulance
until we could decide if she was’ gonna go
Det. Sudler:
Okay. 13mm.
.do you recall the name of the.. .umm...
nurse at Morton Plant ER that you spoke to?
You know.
.1 don’t. .13mm. .that night was the first
night I ever transferred a patient to that particular nurse. Umm.
.and since I had my interview with you the last time, I haven’t seen her. So I was gonna try and find out her name. So.. .no, I don’t.. I don’t know her name. But I would know.,. .1 would recognize her.
Det. Sudler:
Okay. 13mm.. .did she ever elaborate on what she
meant by taking the eyes off of the object or...
Det. Sudler:
That never came up again in conversation?
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Did she say anything else about any
particular health problems or relationship problems or anything in her life that would’ve
‘ ,• - -
brought about this period of crisis she was going through?
No, she didn’t mention anything like that. ‘And
I don’t want to make the taking the eyes; off the