Det. Sudler:
Who was.. .who was your partner?
His name is Mark.. .strange last name. . .Fabryani
or Fabry. . .it. . .1 don’t have the proper spelling. It’s a real long odd name. But his first name is Mark.
Det. Sudler:
I’ve only worked with him one or two times.
Det. Sudler:
And he was the E.M.T. assigned to your unit?
Det. Sudler:
And we could get his information from the
ambulance office?
Det. Sudler:
Okay. Umm. . .when you first met Lisa out at the
scene.. .umm. . .your primary concern would’ve been to check and treat any physical injuries she might have sustained. Did she present to you any physical injuries at all?
Initially we’d go through the whole umm. . .you know...
I’d look at her car to see. . .you know.. .there was’ no windshield damage.. .no interior damage.. .nothing like that. I asked her did she hit her head. Though she presented with no bruising on her face. . .no markings at all, you still want to ask. Umm. . . she said “No, I did not”. Umm. . .she did.. .she stated that she did have her seatbelt on. Umm. . .so no neck pain. . .no back pain. I went through all of that before I got a refusal. And also, as she was uh... you know.. .very. . .she didn’t have a stitch on in my ‘ambulance as... she.... .and also as she was walking down the street there was nothing obvious. There was no bruising...no...no old bruising. .umm...no scratches... umm. .nothing.,. .nothing of that. . .contusions... hematoses. . .nothing like that was noted on her. . She