really violent, it was several, three or four of us.
Then when she settled down, there were two of us
always, and I would step outside the door I smoke, so I would go outside to have a cigarette, and we just relieved each other, you know, for fifteen, twenty minutes at a time, but never for long, any further away than to run next-door.
Who was in charge of planning her diet?
I don’t know. I mean, I knew she wasn’t
eating. I can tell you what I did. I was just —— I had some protein powder in my purse, so I started —- I got some bananas and mashed them and put the protein powder in it and started feeding her that, because she wasn’t eating.
They were bringing food from the dining room, that I remember, like a sandwich or something for lunch and eggs for breakfast, and she wouldn’t chew it and swallow it, so it was, like, useless. You could put it in her mouth and she just wouldn’t eat it, she would spit it out, so I got —- mashed the bananas and put the protein powder in it and started feeding it to her, and
she liked bananas, she really liked that, so she ate
that and she got some protein.
Did she receive any medicine, that you are
aware of?