Heber Jentzsch


Featured Shows

Heber Jentzsch with Dennis Erlich


Bubba, The Love Sponge


Hour 25 with Bent Corydon

KPFC "Hour 25" - Los Angeles, CA
December 4, 1987

Bent Corydon discusses his book "Messiah or Madman" on this sci-fi based talk show hosted by J. Michael Straczynski, creator of Babylon 5.


KTAR   "The Ed Bush Show"
December 27, 1987

Heber Jentzsch appears on the syndicated show from Dallas, Texas.


KFI "Tom Leykis" - Los Angeles, CA
June 14, 1990

A very good show featuring Jerry Whitfield and Scientologist Mike Jones.  Listen to part 6 for a call from an anguished grandmother.


KFI - Los Angeles, CA  
May 5, 1991

Heber Jentzsch, Dennis Erlich and Priscilla Coates


KABC "Michael Jackson" - Los Angeles, CA  
May 6, 1991

Cynthia Kisser from the original Cult Awareness Network and Heber Jentzsch call into the show.


KXEG  "Contact Arizona"
May 7, 1991

The week following the Time Magazine cover story on Scientology, Jeff Jacobsen appeared on this Phoenix radio show.


The Morning Show
October 5, 1997

Brian Anderson does PR for Scientology.


KABC - Los Angeles  "Dennis Prager"
December 1, 1997

Heber Jentzsch and Professor Stephen Kent.


WMNF - Tampa, FL   "Radioactivity"
December 4, 1997

Birgitta Dagnell, Arnie Lerma, Martin Ottman, plus Sylvia Stannard from Scientology.


WMNF - Tampa, FL   "Radioactivity"
December 3, 1998

Stacy Brooks and Jesse Prince are the guests.


KFI - Los Angeles  "John and Ken Show"
December 23, 1998

Bob Minton is the guest.  John Carmichael attacks.


WRUF - Gainesville, FL   "Lewis at Large"
December 29, 1998

Jim Beebe is interviewed.


KGOV.com   "The Bob Enyart Show"

Arnie Lerma is interviewed.  Mark Dallara calls in.


Talk America  "Engelman Overnight"
February 2, 2000

Arnie Lerma is the guest.  Mark Bunker calls in.


KFI - Los Angeles, CA "Karel and Andrew"
May 13, 2000

Live remote broadcast from in front of the Dianetics center on Hollywood Blvd after "Battlefield Earth" opens.


Talk America   "The Spiritual Seeker"
May 21, 2000

Tail end of a show with Heber Jentzsch.


WMNF - Tampa, FL   "Radioactivity"
November 30, 2000

Peter Alexander and Jeff Jacobsen appear as guests.


WFLA - Tampa, Florida
March 9, 2001

Jeff Jacobsen is interviewed about being denied the right to purchase a memorial brick for Lisa McPherson.


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