Can Dianetics Cure Arthritis?

During the IAS 15th Anniversary picket I ran into a couple I had met on two previous occasions.  I liked these two folks.  We had very pleasant conversations.  They seemed like very nice people.

Although they gave me several different names over the course of our meetings, they turned out to be Tory and Harold Bezazian. Later, Tory would leave Scientology and become my very good friend.

Tory and Harold Bezazian

This video caused them to become very angry with me and, still to this day, Tory and I will have debates about the contents of this video. I meant no disrespect but they felt I was twisting their words which was not my intent.

It was shot at the Shrine Auditorium on October 30, 1999. I asked Tory about her repeated statements that Dianetics cured her mother-in-law's arthritis.

I guess they considered my question an attack and I was accused of twisting her words into a statement she didn't make.

The next day this post was made anonymously to ars by one of Tory's friends:

Mark Bunker's Role of the Week

From: The Desk of Bob, Investment Banker 3rd Class (ret):
To: Mark Bunker, Thespian


When you get down to the Shrine you'll need to play a character
with choirboy civility and cherubic innocence but you must have the
focus and deadly aim of a sniper.

When you get home you'll need to play the part of a crafty "60 Minutes" film editor.

Shoot Straight,

Well, I don't believe I edit my tapes to change or distort the event I'm covering.

I do have a viewpoint.  I believe there is much fraud in Scientology but in exposing that fraud I don't do anything to the tape to manipulate anyone's words or change the context in which they are said.

Because of the concerns expressed on the night of the event and the tenor of the ars post, I decided to show the raw, unedited sections of the tapes in question.


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Dan Murnan