The Leo J. Ryan Conference

"Growing up in Scientology" - A Panel Discussion

October 27, 2001


Astra Woodcraft

Stacy Brooks introduces the panel which includes Lawrence, Astra and Zoe Woodcraft and Tory Bezazian.

Astra Woodcraft talks about her experiences in Scientology and the steps she took to leave the oppressive Sea Organization.




Zoe Woodcraft Part One

Zoe Woodcraft was two when her parents joined the Sea Org and moved her from London to Scientology's headquarters in Clearwater, Florida.




Zoe Woodcraft Part Two

Zoe joined the Cadet Org and thought she would be turning over her life to Scientology by joining the Sea Org as a teen until her father mentioned the possibility of college and life outside of Scientology.




Lawrence Woodcraft

Lawrence tells what it was like to have his family ripped apart by Scientology.

"First they take your money and then they take your family" - Lawrence Woodcraft




Astra and Tory Bezazian

Astra and Tory talk about suicides of Scientology children and the cover-up of child molestation by Scientology's leadership.





Questions and Answers

The panel fields questions from the audience.




Questions and Answers (Conclusion)

A minister in the audience asks for information about Scientology's beliefs. The answer forces the Scientologists in the room to leave in fear of hearing secret upper level material.



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