A Trip to Clearwater

Friday Picket
July 9, 1999

After Mark Bunker was assaulted by Scientologists on L. Ron Hubbard Way in Los Angeles, Bob Minton announced a picket in Mark's honor.  Bob, Stacy and Mark traveled to Clearwater.


Saturday Picket
July 10, 1999

We visit the CCHR and FLAG where we meet Peter Alexander and Patricia Greenway from the Totally Fun Company.


Part One

Part Two


Sunday Picket
July 11, 1999

Our Scientology handlers come equipped with microphones as they attempt to stop the picket.

We meet Peter's son Moe.



A Tour of Clearwater
July 10, 1999

Retired Police Lt. Ray Emmons takes us on a tour of some of Scientology's properties and shares with us some of the details of his investigations of Scientology.




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General Interest

Dan Murnan